Wednesday, July 29, 2009

"Perspective in a Large Dose"


My heart has been ripped to shreds this morning after watching a video tribute to Parker and Haley Hewitt.. Crystal Hewitt, the children's mother, was driving them to pick blueberry's and was in a tragic accident killing both Parker and Haley and severely injuring Crystal..Crystal's injuries are traumatic with a broken back and many other injuries..

As I watched the video I felt such a pain in the core of my being...a pain so immense that I felt like an elephant was standing on my chest and my whole body began to sweat and tears flooded by eyes..I could feel the pain of the Hewitt's like it was my own and I am just devastated..

On one hand, as a Father of three girls, I can not say if I would be able to live thru something so the video was playing, I could see my life with my own girls playing in my mind and how I would feel if something similar happened to me and that is what ripped my heart to absolute shreds...and on the other hand, this gave me a new perspective, a much needed perspective on those I love and be sure to take every moment hostage and never let the things I love most be taken for granted....for the blessings of children are among one of the greatest things God has ever entrusted me with and the joy of those blessings are indescribable..

God is truly mysterious in His ways and that is because He is ALL KNOWING and ALL POWERFUL and because I believe that I know His plan for the Hewitt's are much grander than anything I can imagine with my own little finite mind...and the testimony of the husband to stand by his lady while she recovers after losing his kids is inspiring to me and touches me in ways that only the Hand of God could.. They believe in the power of Jesus Christ to get them thru this time and that the weight of such tragedy will not be more than they can bear..

Would all of you who read this please watch this video...and when you do, think of your kids and how life would be if they were suddenly no longer with us and try to remember to hug them, love on them and spend time with matter what...Sacrifice for them !!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello there,

    I some how came across your blog on google and noticed that you wrote about my family. My name is Craig Hewitt. My wife and kids were the ones involved in the car tragedy that you mentioned above. Please continue to keep our family in your thoughts and prayers. Each day is a major struggle for us but we are relying on God to be our strength.
