You may find that this particular blog to reveal a very young understanding of my Spiritual walk.. I have for many years claimed the title of Christian and with no more real understanding than someone who has never really known God.. I guess what I am trying to say is God has begun the process of peeling back the layers from my blind eyes and things that seemed so unclear and cloudy are coming into focus..This is happening because of a True Thirst for God and Knowing Him and an actual transformation that has occurred in my heart after living in some serious darkness, unbridled and wicked in every way..but as that awesome song "Amazing Grace" says
Amazing grace How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed My chains are gone I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me And like a flood His mercy rains
Unending love, Amazing grace
The Lord has promised good to me His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be As long as life endures
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow The sun forbear to shine
But God, Who called me here below
Will be forever mine Will be forever mine You are forever mine
What I have learned is this..We must never take for granted the Mercy of God..The Saving Grace..I learned to recieve many years ago and tried to repent (turn from) my sin...but never really did I ever grasp the understanding of taking up the Cross and Following my Lord and Savior until recently..and I am amazed each and every day and the wonderous works of God in my life and His desire to reveal to me more and more of Himself..This below is a copy of an email I sent Nicki some few months back during a quiet time with the Lord and I labeled this email Light Bulb..and for many who may read may say to yourself..Duh? That I already knew..but for me it was just one of many excitings days I have experienced in my Pursuit of God..
*********"I had a revelation on the first verse I began studying and wanted to share..This may have been known to you long time ago but for me I just had an epiphany..
You know how God over and over again speaks of Faith and enduring and persevering and obedience in Faith..I understood that intellectually but today I have made the circles meet..
Faith is in God's eyes RIGHTEOUSNESS...That is how you can be made righteous in God's eyes by FAITH.. See no amount of obeying the Law (old covenant) and keeping its commands could bring you as much righteousness as having FAITH.. This is it.. Being a good person is pleasing to God..but WITHOUT FAITH, all works are DEAD.. Faith is the key to unlocking God's grace and allowing Him to communicate with us and reveal to us all the wonderful things He desires..We close Him off when our Faith is dull or weak, but if we have ABRAHAM style Faith, then and only then can God reveal to us all the mysteries of His ways and works. God wants to show us (his people) all His glory but we shut that off when we have little Faith.. You want to see God unload His Glory, then have abundant Faith.. It is only thru Faith that we can be made a child of His and that Faith is more than a word..It is a Belief that stems form the depth of your being that manifests itself in your flesh and outward doings. It is a level of Trust that cant be equaled. When we have anxiety or worry, we are saying to God, we really dont believe you will take care of us and therefore we are of little faith.. My mind is exploding right now with all the times of the bible I remember Jesus saying, you of little faith or you who shows great faith. There are just numerous times in the bible where Jesus (and God) speak of Faith during healing's, casting out of demons.. God searches the Heart and only He can know what is there and can see the Faith that we claim.. We may say to others that we have Faith...but if they could examine our hearts, what would the really find there..Would it be faith or would it be fear..fear that God may not hear me, or not take care of me.. I am just overwhelmed with emotion right now..I cant explain it.. God has unlocked my mind and made something so cloudy extremely clear..I feel enlightened.. Faith is what God desires of us.. We can read and study and do many good things, but it must all start with Faith.. Faith that our God will take care of EVERYTHING for us..that surrendering our life to him doesn't mean we have to worry anymore about what is going to happen to us, that He has our best interests at heart and desires total dependence that only Great FAITH can produce..otherwise we still hold on to parts of our life just in case God doesn't meet our expectations.. Faith, Faith, Faith..That is so simple yet some uniquely complex..
We need to stop trying to be Good little Christians and just have Great FAITH..That type of Faith will allow God to perfect us and make us into something way better than we can make of ourselves trying to be good and obey.. Faith covers all that.. Faith is the root of all that.. Faith allows God to work in us.. Faith allows us to have intimacy with God.. Faith is the catalyst for all things Good. When you have this kind of Faith, then God can get close enough to you to open your eyes wide and allow us to see his Splendor. His Majesty..His Nature..His Love..His Favor..
Romans 4:5
5 And to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness,
Righteousness does not come to those who work for God, since all, like Abraham (Josh. 24:2), are by God's absolute standards ungodly. Rather, right-standing righteousness comes, as it did for Abraham, by believing.
This below is what started the chain of events that you just read..Romans 3:21
The Righteousness of God Through Faith
21 But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it— 22 the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction:
I am simply and utterly overwhelmed !!*************
May the Lord God bring clarity to your world and may you seek the Lord with all your heart and soul and mind...because it is there that you will find Him, desiring to fill you with His Splendor..
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